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Whixall C.E. Primary School and Nursery

Latest News

Latest News

Keep up with everything that is happening in school.

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  • Thank You and Good Luck Year 6

    Published 23/07/24

    As we reach the end of yet another school year, we would like to express our thanks to everyone in the school community for their support. We really value it - Thank you!

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  • Farewell and Good Luck Year 6

    Published 23/07/24

    At the end of term, we said goodbye to our amazing Year 6s!

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  • Whixall’s Got Talent 24!

    Published 23/07/24

    Whixall’s Got Talent 24! Wow! What an amazing show! 

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  • Year 6 Enjoy Thrilling Residential

    Published 23/07/24

    Year 6 arrived back safely after a wonderful three-day residential visit to Bryntysilio.

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  • Thank You For Memories of 2012 Olympics

    Published 23/07/24

    Thank you very much to Mr Furber for coming into school today to talk to the children about his experience of carrying the Olympic torch for the London 2012 Olympics.

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  • Bookfest Art Winner

    Published 23/07/24

    Skylark Class were very excited to have a visit from Jo, representing the Shropshire Bookfest.
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  • Sharing Rounds Off Olympic Week

    Published 23/07/24

    After our wonderful ‘Olympic Week’, we enjoyed a sharing assembly where each class presented what they had learned about their chosen country.

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  • School Awarded the Gold Quality Mark for R.E

    Published 23/07/24

    We are thrilled to have been awarded the Gold Quality Mark for R.E in school.

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  • Schools Combine for Fun Sports Events

    Published 23/07/24

    At the end of term, we combined with Clive School to enjoy a wonderful day of sports.

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  • End of Term Concert Impresses

    Published 23/07/24

    We were incredibly proud of all of our children for their fantastic performances in the end-of-term concert.

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