Icy Explorers
The children in Bumblebee Class enjoyed exploring the recent snow and ice.
Keep up with everything that is happening in school.
The children in Bumblebee Class enjoyed exploring the recent snow and ice.
In our Celebration Worship, we marked a fantastic first week back.
The children had the most amazing start to the new year when they visited the New Vic Theatre to watch ‘The Three Musketeers’.
On behalf of all the staff and children, we would like to wish everyone in our community a very Happy and Peaceful Christmas.
Our playgroup enjoyed a fun Christmas Party this afternoon.
This afternoon, we joined in with ‘The Music Partnership - Christmas Virtual Sing-Along’.
In our final Celebration Worship of the year, we celebrated all this term’s wonderful learning.
Bumblebee Class sang beautifully in their ‘Christmas Sing-along’.
We would like to say a huge thank you to Naomi, who came into school to talk to our Key Stage 2 children about the Jewish festival of Hanukkah.
The children all had a wonderful time at their Christmas parties this week.