Learning About Humanism
This week, as part of their RE work, Peregrine Class had a special visit from Dr. Nightingale who came in to talk about Humanism.
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This week, as part of their RE work, Peregrine Class had a special visit from Dr. Nightingale who came in to talk about Humanism.
Thank you to Mrs White who came in to teach Peregrine Class how to carry out basic first aid.
Thank you to Dragonfly Class who led a wonderful worship today all about our school value of ‘Perseverance’.
The children in Mayfly Class have been exploring sculptures in their art lessons.
In their gymnastics lessons, Peregrine Class have been exploring balance.
Thank you to Dr Cliftlands and the Worship Council for leading worship about our school hero ‘David’.
Thank you to Robin Class who led a wonderful worship about our school value of Trust.
Mayfly Class have been writing simple music compositions today.
The children in Robin Class have been studying collage in their art lessons.
A group from Peregrine Class participated in a Netball Development Day at Shrewsbury Sports Village.