Lift-Off for Skylark Class
The children in Skylark Class have been busy testing their rockets.
Keep up with everything that is happening in school.
The children in Skylark Class have been busy testing their rockets.
Robin Class had a wonderful visit to Cadbury World to learn about how chocolate is made.
The children had a wonderful day learning all about ‘Chinese New Year’.
Last week, Robin Class led a special worship about Winston Churchill.
Years 5 and 6 enjoyed an amazing day rehearsing and performing at the Young Voices Concert in Manchester!
Our thanks to Peregrine Class who led worship about the advocate Marcus Rashford.
Across school, the children enjoyed a fabulous ‘Number Day 2024’.
After reading Jack and the Beanstalk, Dragonfly Class have been investigating what a bean needs to grow.
The children have been leading our recent advocate worship sessions.