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Whixall C.E. Primary School and Nursery

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May 2024

  • Another Wonderful Half-term Draws to and End

    Published 23/05/24

    We have celebrated a week of fantastic learning, with lots of our school values being shown across the school. 

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  • Mini Olympics is a Big Hit

    Published 23/05/24

    Mayfly Class had a wonderful time this afternoon at the Mini Olympics at Thomas Adams School.

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  • Marvellous Minibeast Home Learning Projects

    Published 23/05/24

    Mayfly Class have completed some wonderful science homework projects.

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  • Worship Considers Trust

    Published 23/05/24

    Thank you to Mrs Hodges for leading our worship today.

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  • Bookfest Visit

    Published 23/05/24

    Skylark Class were very excited to have a visit from Shropshire Bookfest.

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  • Skylarks Enjoy a Day With The Royal Opera House

    Published 23/05/24

    Skylark Class had a wonderful time when they joined a live online event from the ‘Royal Opera House’.

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  • Year 6 Produce Wonderful Worship

    Published 23/05/24

    Thank you to Peregrine Class for leading a fantastic worship about Abraham.

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  • Year 6 Superstars!

    Published 23/05/24

    A huge well done to Year 6 for completing the end of Key Stage 2 assessments (SATs). 

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  • Pentecost Journey Day

    Published 23/05/24

    We celebrated ‘Pentecost Journey Day’ recently. 

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  • Taking Inspiration From The Landscape

    Published 23/05/24

    Peregrine Class have produced some wonderful watercolour paintings. 

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