Geography at Whixall CE Primary School
Our teaching of Geography is in line with the National Curriculum. It develops geographical skills, such as fieldwork, surveying, map and compass skills, and develops the ‘core geographical knowledge’ from EYFS through to the end of Year 6 by adding layers of depth to the children’s understanding to ensure that they know more and remember more as they progress through school. Geography at our school is an immersive and fascinating subject that opens our children’s eyes to different places, people, cultures, physical processes, and issues on a global and local scale. Our Geography curriculum is relevant to the modern World we live in today so that our children not only know where our place is in the World but also learn about our interaction with the World around us and learn relevant vocabulary to explain geographical features.
Geography topics for the long-term plan have been chosen to ensure coverage of the National Curriculum and for their inspiring content. Geography is planned on a two-year rolling programme. The subject coordinator works closely with all members of staff, to collaboratively create the medium-term plans and to ensure coverage relevant to the National Curriculum and the inclusion of the ‘core knowledge for geography’ and our progression of skills. When geography is being taught, it is planned to be rigorous and inspiring, allowing children to develop their geographical skills and build upon knowledge from previous sessions.
The impact of collaborative planning is positive and shows consistency of content and approach. High expectations are evident in the standards of work produced. Through discussions with children and evidence in books, there is a genuine enthusiasm for the subject which can be attributed to staff interest and confidence. The children can talk about places in the World and what makes them different or similar to the UK. They can explain processes such as the stages of a river, or how a volcano is formed and can compare the physical and human features of contrasting locations.