Mission Statement and Aims
Whixall C.E. Primary School and Nursery welcomes all children. The school is situated within a unique environment where all children are encouraged to appreciate the awe and wonder of their surroundings.
Our distinctive Christian ethos facilitates the well being and best quality education for each child. Children achieve the fullness of life through discovering and developing their talents.
Positive achievement for all pupils is promoted through the Christian values of respect, caring, forgiveness, tolerance, trust, perseverance and supportiveness, enabling each child to develop a healthy self esteem, and attitudes of mutual respect and responsibility.
As a school, everyone works towards positive and realistic goals. High priority is given to strong links between the school, home, church and community.
Through all these we believe our school is distinguished by the quality of care for all our members.
At Whixall C.E. Primary School and Nursery we aim to:
- ensure the entitlement of each child to a stimulating and well balanced Primary education, rich in experience and learning opportunities appropriate to his/her ability which will enable them to achieve their potential.
- provide first hand experiences which enable children to acquire concepts and skills which will enable them to understand themselves, their culture and the world in which they live.
- encourage the children to develop lively enquiring minds in order to understand and appreciate the world in which we live.
- ensure a caring environment which seeks to foster every child’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
- nurture in the child positive values, confidence, self-esteem and respect for others.
- develop the children’s imagination and creativity by offering a wide range of experiences.
- promote a health conscious environment where children understand the importance of health, diet, hygiene and safety.
- develop sensitivity and co-operation for and with others.
- develop self-discipline and an understanding of acceptable behaviour.
- involve parents in their child’s learning by developing a partnership between home and school.