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Whixall C.E. Primary School and Nursery



Performance Data 2023

We are so proud of all of our children for their hard work, excellent attitude and the outcomes that they have achieved.

Year 1 Phonics
Well done to all the Year 1 children for completing the Phonics Screening Check.  The check is designed to assess children’s phonics knowledge which helps with reading and writing learning.  The results are as follows:

Subject % of pupils achieving the EXPECTED standard and above: Whixall (2023) % of pupils achieving the EXPECTED standard and above: National (2023)
Phonics 75% 79%

KS1 Results (Year 2)
Children in Year 2 are assessed in reading, writing and mathematics.  The assessments are teacher judgements which are evidence-informed by work completed throughout the year.  The children also complete SATs tests in reading and maths.  The scores from these tests are used as part of the evidence and are not published separately.

We are very proud of the achievements of Year 2 this year – their results are in the table below:

Subject % of pupils achieving the EXPECTED standard and above: Whixall (2023) % of pupils achieving the EXPECTED standard and above: National (2023)*
Reading 79% 68%
Writing 71% 60%
Mathematics 71% 70%

KS2 Results (Year 6)
Children in Year 6 are required to complete SATs assessments in reading, maths and grammar & punctuation. They are also teacher-assessed in writing and science.

Children in Year 6 are awarded a scaled score in reading and maths.  100 or higher represents the “expected” standard. If a child attained 110 or higher, this represents a high level of attainment (greater depth).

The Year 6 children have worked incredibly hard this year and we are very proud of what they have accomplished. The table below shows how many children attained expected, or greater depth, compared to the national average.

Subject % of pupils achieving the EXPECTED standard and above: Whixall (2023) % of pupils achieving the EXPECTED standard and above: National (2023)
Reading 82% 68%
Writing 68% 60%
Mathematics 77% 70%
Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation 68% 72%
(Reading, Writing and Mathematics) 68% 59%


Average progress score between Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 (Years 2 – 6)
Reading = 6.1
Writing = 2.8
Maths = 3.6

Average scaled score per pupil
Reading = 108
Maths = 104

Please click here to view our DfE Performance Tables

How do we assess?
We use formative and summative assessments at Whixall.

Formative assessment is the most frequent type of assessment used; teachers and teaching assistants use opportunities to understand what children know about a subject. Typical types of formative assessment used at our school include:

  • Making use of rich questions and answers.                                                          
  • Targeted questioning.
  • Use of whiteboards (or similar strategies) to quickly gain a whole class picture of understanding.
  • Verbal feedback.
  • Self-assessment - Children marking their own work and highlighting areas which require further understanding or responding to success criteria and learning outcomes.
  • Peer assessments.
  • Discussions with children individually or as a group.
  • Evidence in children’s books, and observations to assess the progress that children are making over time.

Summative assessment is less frequent - this is the use of tests or more formal assessments to find out what children have learnt. These formal summative tests occur termly and are recorded. We make use of age-related testing and standardised scores (PIRA, NFER and PIVATs) to identify individual and class gaps that feed directly into the next steps, individual targets and planning.  

The School Leadership Team will use the whole school outcomes to identify patterns or trends and review the data to inform whole school or phase areas for development. 

Teachers use a range of other assessments, both formative and summative to make a judgment about a child’s attainment at the end of a term. This information is then stored in our tracking software and used to monitor attainment and progress across the school.

Nationally Standardised Summative Assessment
Early Years 
A baseline assessment is made during the first term.

Year 1 Phonics Screening
This test is administered internally. These results are then reported to the local authority and to parents.

National Key Stage 1 Assessments
At the end of Year 2 children will be given teacher assessment standards in reading, writing, mathematics and science. 

The children also sit tests which consist of:

  • English reading Paper 1 – combined reading prompt and answer booklet
  • English reading Paper 2 – reading booklet and reading answer booklet
  • English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1 - spelling
  • English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 2 - questions
  • Mathematics Paper 1 – arithmetic
  • Mathematics Paper 2 – reasoning

These are carried out in the classroom over the month of May and the children receive a standardised score where 100 is the expected attainment.

Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check
This check is administered internally.
Multiplication Check 2023 - Information for Parents

National Key Stage 2 Assessments
At the end of Year 6, children will be given teacher assessment standards in reading, writing, mathematics and science.

The children also sit tests which consist of:

  • English reading Paper 1 – reading booklet and associated answer booklet
  • English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1 – short answer questions
  • English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 2 - spelling
  • Mathematics Paper 1 – arithmetic
  • Mathematics Paper 2 – reasoning
  • Mathematics Paper 3 – reasoning

Please click here to view our DfE Performance Tables