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Whixall C.E. Primary School and Nursery



Whixall C.E. Primary School is an inclusive school that offers a broad, balanced and creative curriculum that aims to encourage all children to achieve their full potential, including children with SEND. The policies below give an outline as to how we support children with SEND within our school.

                   Our SEND Co-ordinator is Miss Nicola Brayford


Support for parents and carers of children with SEND – Shropshire’s Local Offer
Access to good quality information to help you understand the world of SEND is important when making decisions about your child’s life.
This is where websites such as Shropshire’s SEND Local Offer can help you.

The Local Offer sets out in one place useful information about provision for education, health, and social care for children and young people in Shropshire who have SEN or who are disabled, including those who don’t have education, health, and care (EHC) plans.

The local offer has two main sections. The first is the Information Section, where services and processes are explained, such as how to get extra help at nursery or school, or who to speak to if you are worried about your child’s progress. This section will introduce you to support that might help your family and help you to understand what is available from a range of services across education, health, social care, support for your family, finance, travel, transport, and much more.

The second section is The Service Directory. This is a comprehensive list of services, clubs, support groups, and businesses that might be useful to your family. It provides a brief introduction to what is offered and contact details so that you can find out more. There is also a listing of events and activities for children and young people or for families to enjoy together.

Please click on the links below to access SEND resources, which you may find helpful.


Shropshire Local Offer

What is the Shropshire Local Offer?
Shropshire Council delivers the Shropshire Local Offer, which is a package of resources to help families with children who have special educational needs. It is a single place for information, services, and resources for children and young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs and/or disabilities, their families, and the practitioners who support them. There is also a directory list of services, clubs, support groups, and businesses that might be useful to your family.

Please find the Shropshire Local Offer on the link below:

The Shropshire Local Offer

Shropshire Council – the latest SEND and Inclusion Newsletter


Shropshire Information, Advice & Support Service

What is IASS?
IASS is a free, confidential, and impartial service for children and young people who are aged between 0–25 years, with SEND, and their parents, living in Shropshire. IASS offers parents and young people support for any concerns they might have around special educational needs and/or disability (SEND) and explains options, rights, and responsibilities.

Shropshire IASS Fact Sheets and Resources


Shropshire Parent and Carer Council PACC

What is PACC?
PACC works to empower Shropshire parents and carers of children with any special educational need or disability (SEND) aged 0-25, to enable them to actively contribute to services that they use.

Click here for PACC website


Autism West Midlands

What is Autism West Midlands?
Autism West Midlands is the leading charity for autistic people in our region. They use their passion and expertise to enrich the lives of people on the autism spectrum, and those who love and care for them.

Click here for Autism West Midlands website


Mental Health and Wellbeing

Click here for further information


Shropshire Council Parent Workshops
The online course Understanding Your Child SEND is free for Shropshire parents or carers. It is available on the ‘In Our Place’ website using the code DARWIN18. This course can be accessed at any time convenient to the parent/carer as a standalone course, or it might complement the attendance of a group.

For information on the location and times of the groups and to book a place, please visit the Family Information Service website. All bookings should be made via the Parenting Team: or phone 01743 250950.


Parenting Helpline
The Shropshire Council Parenting Team offers a helpline where parents or carers of children with SEND can speak with a parenting practitioner to discuss any difficulties they might be experiencing in understanding and managing their children’s behaviours.

Click here for further details