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Whixall C.E. Primary School and Nursery

School Uniform

School Uniform

We have a school uniform which we ask all parents to support by ensuring that it is worn.  Most items of uniform can be purchased from any clothing shop, but sweatshirts, PE T-shirts and PE hoodies are available from Whitchurch Sports Shop.

  •  White Shirt, White Blouse or White Polo Shirt
  •  School sweatshirt or navy blue cardigan
  •  School Grey Trousers (long or short) or Grey Skirt or Pinafore Dress
  •  Black, flat shoes all year round (no trainers please)
  •  Blue and White Dresses for Summer
  • Outdoor Coat


PE and Games kit

The children should wear a plain navy t shirt and plain navy blue shorts (or navy blue jogging bottoms/top in cold weather) with trainers for outside PE. Please keep this kit in a NAMED drawstring bag. PE kit should be in school every day.

Swimming is an important part of the National Curriculum.  All children are expected to have the required kit for swimming lessons.

Name Marking

Many children wear similar types of clothing  – it is essential to have your child’s name in all of their clothing in order to minimise the likelihood of losing items of uniform or muddling them up.


All shoulder length/long hair must be tied back.

We request that patterns are not shaved into the head as this is inappropriate for school.


Jewellery must not be worn to school. If your child has pierced ears, small studs are permitted, however these must be removed by the child for PE in line with the Shropshire Council regulations.

Children who wear watches must take full responsibility for them.